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Sa iti pui in practica ideile de afaceri
Te-ai saturat sa lucrezi pentru altii ?
Acum, fii propriul tau stapan !
Noi te ajutam sa iti infiintezi firma mult dorita,
Si sa iei cele mai bune decizii
La preturi rezonabile
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Pentru ca avem preturi rezonabile

Pentru ca infiintam firma in cel mai scurt timp posibil!

Pentru ca oferim seriozitate, promptitudine si confidentialitate!

Pentru ca pentru noi nu exista probleme, ci doar solutii!

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Compania R&AI Consulting va ofera urmatoarele servicii:
Infiintare firma: SRL, PFA, II, IF, ONG
Modificare firma
Cesiune parti sociale
Infiintare firma online la doar 99 lei
Redactare contracte
Si multe altele
La preturi rezonabile
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Consideri ca e timpul sa aduci schimbari

firmei tale ?

noastra te ajuta in acest sens

Pentru ca schimbarea


inseamna viitor !

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Contacteaza-ne acum !


R&AI Consulting was founded out of its members desire to be an important part in this evolutionary process that we all witness today. Every day.

The company begins its journey with a set of high-standard values and strong objectives built only to offer our clients the best legal solutions and services they can get.

Of course, not only our business clients receive special attention, but every single person in need.

Therefore, R&AI Consulting has various advice and solutions regarding any legal or management issues you may have!

Please, do consider it resolved. Here, you are in great professional hands.

Our ambition and will of providing the best answer to our clients led us to develop a team that is stronger and stronger each day in order for you to have no legal or management concerns. No more!

We’ll be happy to hear from you. Anytime.

R&AI Consulting. Because it’s so much easier if we are together!



Ltd Establishment Ltd (companies with limited liability);

Authorized Physical Person Establishment (individual or familial enterprises)

Co-operative Agricultural Establishment

Land Registry Releases

Trade Register information

Headquarters openings or replacements

Capital increase/decrease

Company/firm’s name modification

Working point closures

Developing or readjusting company’s main business

Providing certificates issued by The Commercial Register

Temporary business resumption;

NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) code approval

Assignment or share cessions (transferring to another shareholder or person)

Claims recovery

Civil or commercial contracts advice